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We are the "Permit Architect". Do you need to obtain a permit, CO or zoning change? We can help you get through th……
Careful tailoring of standard building (builder) construction can render good architecture. But it requires a tale……
How to quickly expedite a #buildingpermit? Clarity of....
As stated in "Wired" today ......."That tradition and idea of American politics as an ongoing conversation, an endl……
MH reports 12 building permits: Mountain Home Building Inspection Department reported issuing 12 permits during ...
What's wrong with some #citybuildinginspection offices? Why do they provide such poor or bad service? I'd like to……
Bid packaging is the best way to control construction cost and have control of the construction management.
The ultimate cost of a building permit is realized during construction and city inspections.
Using SIPs panels for the roof deck eliminates expensive insulation cost and long term roof maintenance!…
This system makes so much sense! The cost initially seems a little higher but overall costs are equal to or less t……
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